Wrestling With Text

Chairs 2 Faces

CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, gif, WWE, SummerSlam, wrestling

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Warning: AJ Gifs starting now

AJ Lee, gif, WWE, SummerSlam, wrestling

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chanting yes - Daniel Bryan, WWE Universe, gif, WWE, SummerSlam, wrestling

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John Cena, Daniel Bryan, gif, WWE, SummerSlam, Slap, wrestling

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The 1-2-3

Go to page 1 if you missed it

The long and short of it is this PPV gave me a lot of tinglies. The RAW after was pretty interesting, too.

That was pretty much all I had in the tank. Sleep now. See you guys next time, and thanks for the gif suggestions!

Check out last year's SummerSlam. HHH's boob wiggles.

After The Bell

Mr. Ziggles Comes through again

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