Wrestling With Text

[Br]eaking [Ba]lls

kick to the balls - CM Punk, Ryback, gif, WWE, Battleground, Kick, wrestling

(Click the image above to view the animated gif)

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Cut the feed!

we're currently experiencing technical difficulties - Daniel Bryan, gif, WWE, Battleground, Botch, wrestling

(Click the image above to view the animated gif)

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shaking his head smh - Big Show, gif, WWE, Battleground, Cinemagraph, wrestling

(Click the image above to view the animated gif)

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The 1-2-3

Go to page 1 if you missed it.

Well, this PPV was good by me, possibly because I expected it to be worse than NOC (which bored me to tears). Plenty of great spots to keep me interested/live giffing.

Speaking of live giffing, you can see my gifs as fast as I can upload and post them during shows on Twitter, Tumblr, reddit (as cwmonkey) and Something Awful.

Bonus GIFs!

Here's modified creepy Bray gif

From RAW

Zig-fro :D (not a gif)


Oh Mr. Del Rio, you do go on

Hurray... aww...


So brave


After The Bell

Antonio Cesaro says "great gif!"

The @WWEUniverse calls the Cesaro swing loop "GIF of the year!"

The creepy Bray gif is one of my most popular posts. Follow the reblogs!

Goldust forwarded, retweeted/favorited and Renee Young replied!

Curtis Axel: "This is the coolest thing Ive ever seen!"


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