Wrestling With Text

Aw, buhbye AJ!

AJ Lee, Tamina, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

(Click the image above to view the animated gif)

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That's lava. Hot lava!

Paul Heyman, gif, WWE, RAW, Fav Five, wrestling

(Click the image above to view the animated gif)

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A real American bullwhip

Zeb Colter, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

(Click the image above to view the animated gif)

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Say my name!

CM Punk, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

(Click the image above to view the animated gif)

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The 1-2-3

The live giffin' is done, with only one minor (well, major) hitch (thanks again, @scowalt!)

Check back here Sunday for the HELL... IN A CELL PPV live gifs.

Also, I snuck in a SmackDown recap on Sunday, so check that out, too!

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