Wrestling With Text

Screw kip ups

drop kick - AJ Lee, Layla, gif, WWE, SmackDown, Fav Five, Dropkick, wrestling

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Yes. Hurr.

derp - AJ Lee, gif, WWE, SmackDown, Fav Five, Top 100, wrestling

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Problem, Danny boy?

laughing - AJ Lee, Daniel Bryan, gif, WWE, SmackDown, wrestling

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Kaitlyn does comedy

really? - Kaitlyn, Daniel Bryan, gif, WWE, SmackDown, wrestling

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Tyson Kiddt

ddt - Tyson Kidd, Jack Swagger, gif, WWE, SmackDown, wrestling

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.! ^_^ !.

yes - AJ Lee, Daniel Bryan, gif, WWE, SmackDown, wrestling

(Click the image above to view the animated gif)

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power bomb - Ryback, gif, WWE, SmackDown, Fav Five, Top 100, wrestling

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The 1-2-3

Woo, a divas match worth watching.

It's probably also worth noting SmackDown is a lot better when you don't have to deal with commercials and you can skip all the recaps/vignettes. Minus those it was really just rasslin and AJ/DB hilarity.

But, really? I'm supposed to watch Tuesday because Cesaro vs KHALI? Who the hell is that supposed to appeal to? Whatever, maybe I'll just close my eyes and imagine Cesaro hitting Khali with the Swiss Death.

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