Wrestling With Text

The 1-2-3

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Happy Turkey Day!

Decided to mash Survivor Series and RAW together since they were pretty much the same show, for whatever reason.

Here's some more shots of Goldust's loogie throughout the show, cos I'm sure you wanna see that.

And a black text version of the "message to my followers" in case you want to share it in a lighter website.

On a more personal note, I'm starting to get antsy again about not having a (paying) job. I'm not in any financial trouble or anything like that, but I feel pretty irresponsible giffing all day while I have an inbox full of perfectly fine jobs I could look into ;p That being said I may have to slow WWT down. Not sure when or how much, just wanted to give you all a heads up.

Please like on Facebook and follow on Twitter and Tumblr since apparently I have more fun counting likes, followers and Reddit upboats than money ;p

After The Bell

Doc Xavier Givin props, and again :D

John Cone has trouble interneting

Rosa givin some love

Got a fave from Renee

Since it was requested, here's part of the segment where Johnny Ace returns to Survivor Series

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