Wrestling With Text

"I met the Miz... it was awful."

Miz, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

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Adam Rose, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

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She seems nice

Lana, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

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She's so AJ

AJ Lee, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

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Am... am I dreaming?

AJ Lee, Bellas, gif, WWE, RAW, DDT, wrestling

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Copied *EXACTLY*

Miz, Damien Sandow, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

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HHH, gif, WWE, RAW, wrestling

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The 1-2-3

If it weren't for AJ DDTing herself I'm fair certain I wouldn't have been able to stay awake for this whole RAW.

I'll grudgingly see you all for Survivor Series on Sunday.

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